Yoga can help women to find their physical and emotional balance and the self- acceptance.

Colleen Saidman, a famous international yoga teacher, underline how yoga works every part of the body, moves each part of the body and, at the same time stimulates organs, muscles and bones.

Following Colleen’s suggestions, we offer some postures for different need, occasion and step of woman’s life.

  • Postures for women’s strengthening: Colleen suggests some postures that could be very helpful for women to strength the physical and emotional body.
  • Standing postures, like Warrior, Virabhadrasana I, II and III, or Tree Pose, Vrkasana can help women to find their emotional and physical strengthen.
  • Colleen suggests postures that open the heart, like the Fish Pose, Matsyasana or Camel Pose, Ustrasana, can help to find the opening and compassion.
  • The lying postures like the Corpse Pose, or Savasana, child Pose, Balasana, help to feel the connection with earth.

Sequence for premenstrual syndrome ( PMS)

The PMS is especially a tension in the nervous system, that gives irritability, swollen, headache and heavy feelings in the pelvic region.
Here a short sequence that Colleen suggests to do every month for help the symptom of PMS syndrome

  1. Supta Baddhakonasana or Reclined Bound Angle Pose, with a pillow, from 5 to 10 minutes.
    Supta Baddhakonasana , could be done with pillows under each knees to make the postures more comfortable. It opens the legs and relaxes the lower back.
  2. Supta Padangusthasana two minutes for each legs.
  3. Supta Padangusthasana II, laying on the floor, open your leg sideways. You can put a pillow under the leg and use a belt to help you.
  4. Adho Mukha Svanasana or downward facing dog ( with the head supported on a pillow or a block if you have headache) for a minute.
  5. Salamba Sirsasana, against a wall if you need, for maximum five minutes.
  6. Salamba Sarvangasana or Supported Shoulder Stand, with a blanket under your shoulder, for maximum five minutes.
  7. Upavista Konasana with a pillow under your chest, from two to five minutes.
  8. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose, using a block, half way or higher, under your sacrum for 30 seconds.
  9. Savasana or Corpse Pose from five to ten minutes.

Sequence for menopause syndrome

This is the sequence that Colleen suggests to facing the symptom of menopause

  1. Baddhakonasana or Bound Angle Pose for two to five minutes
  2. Upavistha Konasana, feeling the pelvic floor touching the ground, form two to five minutes
  3.  Prasarita Padottanasana, with the head supported on a block, from two to five minutes.
  4.  Adho Mukha Svanasana with the head supported on a block, for a minute
  5. Janu Sirsasana or Head to Knee Pose for a minute
  6.  Salamba Sarvangasana or Supported Shoulder Stand, with a blanket under your shoulder, for maximum five minutes.
  7.  Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose, with a block, half way or higher, under your sacrum for 30 seconds.
  8.  Supta Baddhakonasasa or Reclined Angle Pose, from two to five minutes.
  9.  Viparita Karani or Active Reclined Pose from two to five minute. Viparita Karani with props for the lower back
  10.  Savasana or Corpse Pose from five to ten minute

Colleen strongly advices to do inversions and standing asanas during the menopause to improve the blood circulation and prevent the bone loss.
» during the menopause, the symptoms are different every day» says Colleen » there are days you sleep good with the feeling of moving when you get up. Some days we have flushing sensation all night and we are tired so we prefer to do a restoring practice».

Noelia Insa Satorre
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